1. Macroeconomic study
We establish for our clients who wish it a summary of the macroeconomic situation of the CAR, over a given period, based on data collected from local public administrations (Ministry of Economy and Planning, Ministry of Finance, etc…) and international institutions (FMI, World Bank, BAD, etc…) concerning the evolution of large aggregates such as consumption, the production, employment, Income, investment, l’inflation, unemployment rate, demographics, etc…
2. Sector study
We develop a sector analysis relating to economic characteristics, legal (laws and legislation), social and competitive aspects of an economic sector of activity (Telecom, Mines, Agriculture, etc..), of an industry, of a market or an economic branch.
3. Approval file
The exercise of certain activities is subject to obtaining approval from the Administration or Supervisory Bodies. This is particularly the case for the following activities: :
- Banking and microfinance activity : approval of the Ministry of Finance after assent or no objection from the Central African Banking Commission (COFFEE) upon presentation of an approval application file indicating information relating to human resources, financial and technical aspects of the project, with regard to the objectives and anticipated needs, based on a market study.
- Activity eligible for the benefits of the Investment Charter: outside the Code of common law tax advantages, the CAR has a Investment charter (Loi) which grants significant customs and tax exemptions to newly established companies whose activity falls within the scope of the law, depending on the amount and location of the investment, over a period ranging from 3 has 8 ans. Approval is granted after validation by an interministerial commission of a file presenting the economic elements, techniques, commercial, financial and social.